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PTA Fundraising: Preparing for the End of the Academic Year


Vicki Atkin

As the academic year draws to a close, the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) plays a vital role in ensuring a successful and smooth transition into the next school year.

In this blog post, we will share key information about the PTA's preparations for the end of the academic year and what to think about during this time.

  1. Announcements:

The PTA will keep parents informed about important end-of-year announcements. At the end of the school year, there are lots of fun events like summer fetes, parties and collecting gifts for teachers. By keeping parents informed ahead of time and updated on these announcements, events will run smoothly. 

  1. Fundraising Successes:

Throughout the academic year, the PTA will have worked tirelessly to raise funds for various initiatives that benefit the school and students. As the year comes to a close, it is the role of the PTA to share updates on the fundraising successes.

Parents will be excited to learn about the amount of money raised and how it will be utilised to enhance the educational experience for their children. Whether it's funding for educational resources, extracurricular activities, or facility improvements, the PTA's fundraising achievements have a significant impact on the school community.

  1. Reviewing Fundraising Initiatives:

It is a good time to take stock of all the activities, events and initiatives that happened over the course of the year. The key things to think about are:

  • Which initiatives were the most successful fundraisers?
  • What successes did you have and why?
  • What barriers or difficulties did you have with your initiatives?
  • Would you change, drop or add any of the initiatives?

Usually, it is the initiatives that require a huge amount of effort for little return that might need to be reviewed and considered here.

  1. Meetings:

The PTA may organise meetings during this period to address end-of-year matters. These meetings serve as an opportunity for parents to come together with teachers and administrators to discuss important topics. The agenda may include finalising plans for events, evaluating the year's activities, and gathering feedback from parents and teachers. Attending these meetings allows parents to actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute their ideas and suggestions.

  • AGM (Annual General Meeting)

The AGM needs to be held once a year and it is seen as good practice to give 21 days notice to members of this meeting. Your constitution may have a specified notice period for AGMs so be sure to check it.

This meeting is important as it is a way for the PTA committee to report on fundraising, how money was spent, finances, fundraising successes and event planning for the year ahead. This meeting is also where the new committee will be voted for and appointed. Current committee members stand down at this meeting but can seek re-election.

The meeting is usually held either at the start of an academic year or the end of an academic year. If you are planning to hold the AGM at the start of an academic year, our top tip is to book it early so that the new team has time to get a good handover and time to prepare for the upcoming events. has a great FAQ on running an AGM so if you are looking for more information on exactly what you need to do, check it out here

PTA Fundraising: Preparing for the End of the Academic Year
  1. Reporting:

The end of the academic year is a good time to get your filing organised. Take time to review your constitution, policies, meeting minutes, finance reporting, planning documentation and handover documentation is up to date and ready for the new year.There are great resources out there to support you with your financial reporting. If you are a member of Parentkind they have a wealth of advice to help you. You can also find out more here about preparing your financial return with Gov.UK.

  1. Preparing for the Next Academic Year:

While bidding farewell to the current academic year, the PTA also begins preparations for the upcoming year. This involves various tasks such as organising committees, the AGM, recruiting volunteers, and sharing school fundraising ideas for events.The end of the academic year is a great time to introduce the PTA to all the new families joining your school. If you have a nursery class and reception class in your school, check to see if your head teacher is doing a welcome meeting for all these new families. If they are, this is a great opportunity for the PTA to introduce themselves and share what they do.We also recommend you set aside some time to sort and clear out your storage spaces, if you have one, especially if you've just had your summer fete. We know what a PTA storage space can look like after a summer fete! Enlist a few volunteers to get your space shipshape and ready for a new year.Finally, prepare your thank yous to the people who have helped and supported you all year and then celebrate your successes.The PTA does such an important job in supporting the school community. Take that time to celebrate your successes and know that all your hard work truly has a huge impact on the lives of the children in your school.Looking for PTA fundraising ideas? Check out our blog here that offers tips on raising money for your school.

Photo by Deleece Cook on Unsplash

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash

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